I've never heard anything about him using 2 computers (how do you know this, did he tell you?), but even if he does, fair moves are fair no matter how many computers you're doing them with. Programs don't make errors (besides bugs); konstodane occasionally does. Other boards are easier to learn once you truly
know 7x6; cheaters hardly know anything and would be horrible at other board sizes because they're nothing without their programs. Konstodane got good the same way everyone else did: practice. Plus he is probably just smart. After a year of regularly playing him, I would have suspected something by now if he were a cheater, unless he's the sneakiest cheater alive. If he cheats, which program does he use? Certainly not mustrum, titot, or velena. And not vianiato either because for a while he didn't even have vianiato and he was as good then as ever.
Anyone can get good at this game. It's pretty simple compared to games like chess. I don't understand why people find it so hard to believe that there are genuinely good players. After all,
someone has to be good at a game recommended for "Ages 7-14".
Anyway, it appears this thread is over, hehe I don't want to argue anymore let's call a truce